On Thursday, our last day of orientation, we were exposed to the religious climate of Japan and saw the heart of OMF for Japan in the ministries they’ve been involved with and hence, their mission statement of planting reproducing vibrant churches. The staff shared that it normally takes 10-15 years for a church to become independent and about the same time for someone to come to know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord. They expressed their appreciation of short term mission teams and showed us how they play a part in reaching Japan for the Kingdom. They love to meet people with a heart for those God has lovingly created. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Luke 10:2.
Our team had the privilege to head up a prayer meeting, lead worship and spend some time before the Lord with the community of OMF staff workers. It was a powerful time when people poured out their souls, showed their dependence and trust in God, and shared their heartbreak for their ministries. I was especially touched when we were specifically praying for the staff, they began to pray for us. Here are some of their prayer requests:
- OMF East Japan Conference (and for us as we prepare to lead worship there)
- Kenji & Miyako – to recognize that they are sinful beings and turn to the Lord
- Kusaka – that she would come to the church and know Christ
- A Powerpoint presentation for a staff worker’s home church in New Zealand and pray for support for all of the workers
- A youth worship night that a staff and a pastor are organizing and heading up, especially with the worship team’s unity and confidence
- A staff who has been with OMF for 3 years that is transitioning back home, that God would show him the next step
That night, we went to an area in Japan, named Ochanamizu, that was lined with stores that sold musical instruments. Colin was able to find a suitable guitar with a pickup to use for the time we were here and I bought a used djembe to use for all our acoustic sessions. We were able to visit the Christian bookstore and surprisingly found it very similar, in mood and atmosphere, to ones in Canada. They even sold many of the same products, albeit translated in Japanese, but we knew what they were because of their covers. To end the night, we visited Akihabara, or as it was introduced to us: Japan’s Electric Town. We saw many flashy gadgets and gizmos, but at the same time, it was hard to hear stories of and even witness how people would spend many hours a day in front of arcades and slot machines, wasting away a lot of time and money.
Jon’s side note: One of the coolest cultural things I noticed were their many options for umbrellas. Not only do they have stands in front of stores, but also plastic sleeves and even areas to lock up umbrellas. They also bike or take the transit here a lot more than drive cars. Wow!
On Friday, May 30, we checked out of our rooms at OMF headquarters and boarded the a north train to Hachinohe, and transferred over to Namioka in Aomori. We were met by Bethany, the Ghent’s eldest daughter, and Yuriko, one of the church ladies. They drove us (on the left side of the road) up to Tsugaru church and coffee shop, where we will be situated for the next two and a half weeks.
Rice Fields
There are a few other short term missionaries here that we will be working alongside, if not directly with. We were able to meet a number of the ladies that volunteer and help out at Tsugaru, who also were kind enough to cook us dinner as well. Our ministry began last night: Jono, Joanna, and I helped Aaron and Naomi Ghent with the youth group, playing games, singing worship songs in English and Japanese, and a sharing of a testimony (which Aaron translated); Colin was meeting with the Ghents to plan out all of our concerts, worship nights, church services, over our two weeks; and Jess and Abby helped out in the English Bible study. This morning, we were involved in translating songs, testing and ordering sound equipment, and making an inventory of the Canadian gifts we brought.
Jess and Abby organizing all of the Canadian gifts
Colin and Jono working on the office computer
Please continue to uphold us in prayer as we strive to be diligent with our time and energy, not really knowing all that God has set for us to do, but try to be as willing and open to anything we may be called and led to.
Japan Team Prayer Requests:
-protection against any form of spiritual attacks
-discernment, wisdom, and awareness of the things of God and what He is doing
-good rest and general health and energy
-continual team unity and focus on ministry
-cultural awareness
-healing for Bethany’s swollen eye
-Aaron: being wise with his time to finish high school, driving school, and preparing for a Tokyo high school outreach before he needs to begins his studies at Moody Bible Institute
-Coffee shop ladies: Nozomi (viral sickness during her pregnancy); Yukuri (immediate family relationship and working challenges); Akibu (growing of her new faith)
Jo’s Short Blurb:
Last night, as Ruth was sharing about the struggles of their church members, she mentioned things that I could identify with—things that I usually leave out of my testimony in more “western crowds”, because it is mostly irrelevant for, let’s say, Canadians in general. As she was speaking, I felt so strongly led to prepare to testify about this. Please pray that I would have the strength of heart to allow God to let these things resurface and bring healing to. It’s always hard to be broken yet again. May God speak to me again about these things so that I may joyfully tell of His faithfulness, love, and glory. Thanks, all! J