Friday, June 6, 2008

What we see....

Here are some pictures to enjoy:

Joanna and Abby with butter tarts

Colin and Jono making broccoli salad

Pre-schoolers doing 'Deep & Wide'

Beat, the Ghents, Jono, Abby, and Jon overlooking Tsugaru region

Colin and Jessica demonstrating hockey

Ruth and a teacher from a Jr. High school

The Ghents and Armin at the chapel

Teachers and students from concert

Jon and Jessica with children from the concert


Leading worship on Sunday morning

Joanna and Emily

Jon and Hironami

Colin and Abby at a japanese restaurant

Blogging away...


Josh Philip said...

Great pics, everyone! We miss you here but it's great knowing you are accomplishing wonderful things in Japan. Keep up the good work!

DavidKentie said...

Looks fantastic, though I'm wondering how much sleep you guys are getting...some of you look like we did after the Passion Conference haha, or just about any other retreat.

::N.a.L.a:: said...

It's so great to see your big smiles! I can just feel the joy coming thru. I'm sure everyone, including those "deep & wide" kids, are lovin it too! Keep shining! My prayers are with you guys!